The user / client (an individual who visited the Internet resource or performed any action on it), providing his personal data on the site (second-level domain), third-level subdomains under the name (more – Website), the Mobile application "Etagi" in accordance with Federal Law #152-FZ dated July 27, 2006 "On personal data", I hereby freely, voluntarily and in my interest, give my voluntary, motivated and informed consent in electronic form to the Limited Liability Company "Etagi", TIN 7202106387, OGRN 1027200835661, registration number in the Register of operators processing personal data 10-0154928, legal and actual address: 625000, Tyumen, ul. Lenin, 38/1, 5 (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) for the automated processing of my personal data, in accordance with the specified purposes and list of data:
Purposes of personal data processing:
- - ensuring compliance with the current requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts;
- - ensuring the correct functioning of the website, software, and services;
- - informing about bonuses/services/promotions/services of the Operator/Operator's partners/third parties;
- - conclusion of contracts and fulfillment of obligations with the Operator/The operator's partner;
- - establishing feedback with the Site User/client, including sending notifications, requests and their subsequent processing;
- - receiving questionnaires and applications from the User in order to further conclude and execute an agreement with the Operator/The operator's partner/third party;
- - receiving feedback from the Operator's User/client/The operator's partner for the services received in the amount of data independently entered by the User/ client at his will to publish a review on the Site;
- - recruitment (for applicants for vacant positions);
- - evaluation of visit statistics and analysis of information about the operation of the Website, the Mobile application "Etagi";
- - creation of depersonalized (encrypted) information systems of data, analysis, modeling, forecasting, analysis of aggregated and anonymous data, statistical and research purposes;
2. List of personal data:
2.1. Processed on the Site, in the Mobile application "Etagi" using automation tools when using the Site, registration (authorization) on the Site in your personal account, during installation (download) Mobile application "Etagi", when logging in via social networks, when filling out the feedback form/ordering a callback on the Website, Mobile application "Etagi", when subscribing to the newsletter, when sending reviews, when sending a resume:
- - name;
- - mobile phone number;
- - email address;
- - information about the property owned by the right of ownership.
2.2. User/customer data processed on the Website, in the Mobile application "Etagi" through the Public Services service:
- - last name, first name, patronymic (including previous last name, first name, patronymic);
- - date and place of birth;
- - gender;
- - marital status;
- - social status;
- - passport data, details of previously issued identity documents;
- - education;
- - profession;
- - income;
- - citizenship;
- - taxpayer identification number (TIN);
- - number of the insurance certificate of the state pension insurance (SNILS);
- - data contained in military registration documents (if any);
- - mobile phone number and work phone number;
- - email address;
- - data on work activity;
- - place of work, position held;
- - work address.
2.3. The processed data on the Website, in the Mobile application "Etagi" when authorizing Users through the service Sber ID:
- - last name, first name, patronymic (including previous last name, first name, patronymic);
- - date and place of birth;
- - gender;
- - marital status;
- - social status;
- - passport data, details of previously issued identity documents;
- - details of a foreign passport;
- - education;
- - profession;
- - income;
- - citizenship;
- - taxpayer identification number (TIN);
- - number of the insurance certificate of the state pension insurance (SNILS);
- - data contained in military registration documents (if any);
- - mobile phone number and work phone number;
- - email address;
- - data on work activity;
- - place of work, position held;
- - work address.
3. The Operator has the right to carry out automated and non-automated processing of my personal data in such ways as: collection; recording; systematization; accumulation; storage; clarification (updating, modification); extraction; use; transfer (granting access), blocking; deletion; destruction.
4. The User/client, as a subject of personal data, agrees that in order to implement the terms of contracts concluded between the subject of personal data and the Operator, including user agreements and/or for the purpose of using the software, services and services of the Operator, personal data may be transferred:
- - in full to the Operator's partners, the named list of partners of LLC "Etagi" is posted at
- - to a certain extent to Third Parties on the basis of agreements/contracts concluded between them and the Operator and (or) the consent of the Personal Data Subject. The list of Third Parties is posted on the Operator's website with information about the list of processed data and the purposes of their processing.
5. The user/client is notified that he, as a subject of personal data, has the right to receive information regarding the processing of his personal data. Information about the rights of personal data subjects is posted in the Personal Data Processing Policy of Etagi LLC (
6. The user/client, as a Subject of personal data, has the right to withdraw his consent to the processing of personal data:
- - Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data can be sent to the address of the Operator's location in the form of a written statement with the handwritten signature of the Personal Data Subject;
- - Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data can be sent in the form of a scanned copy of a written statement with the Personal Data Subject's handwritten signature to the Operator's e-mail address If the User/Client expresses his/her will to withdraw consent from the Operator's partner/Third Parties, to their address. If necessary, at the request of the personal data subject, the Operator provides the contact details of the Operator's partner/Third parties.
7. In the application for revocation of consent by the User / client as a subject of personal data, the full name, address, TIN or OGRN of the Operator, as well as the full name and registration address at the place of residence of the User / client (Subject of personal data), the text of the request for revocation of consent to the processing of personal data must be indicated.
8. The personal data of the User/client is stored for the entire duration of the user agreements with this Personal Data Subject/ the term of the agreement. After the expiration of the user agreement /agreement with the User/Client, personal data is stored by the Operator according to the terms specified in paragraph 10 of this Consent.
9. The subject of personal data is considered to have given this Consent in full without any exceptions from the moment of registration in the Personal Account on the Operator's Website and/or filling out the feedback form / questionnaire with a tick in the check box with the text line "I agree to the processing of personal data" on the Operator's Website and is valid until their revocation of personal data by the subject subject to compliance by the Operator with the necessary data protection measures and in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.